25 February 2013


This is probably one of the most in-depth posts I've ever read. It was written by a fellow by the name of Anson Phillip as part of a Facebook discussion on a preview of the track, 'Burden', from the 'A Drink Before Going' album.

Anson Phillip ‎(Smile):

"I think Shawn was actually speaking about freedom in this song from the heaviness in life finally in a very peaceful way. It is beautiful...simply beautiful. For those who have actually just heard Shawn like myself were initially revolted by his singing because Shawn breaks every single thing you have ever been taught on how to sing and enunciate words in music but still after all that is said and done if you start to listen you mind will tune in to his voicing then it will not be difficult anymore to understand. I wish I could impart what I am saying to all of you. It is like recognizing letters....after your mind forms the pattern then it is easy to read. It is the same for music. If you struggle to understand someone with a lisp or someone with a cleft pallete at first you cannot but as you tune in to them and let your mind tune into the person their emotions and heart and then bam!!! You begin to understand. Music is so powerful that an instrumentalist can convey what he is saying to you by notes he plays.  This what I see .....at the end of a movie where a person stops struggling in their life and finally see after so long and worn out a time...... peace...it can create a very dramatic moment with that guitar playing in the background and Shawn singing.... pure beauty...this is what I see...not someone down and depressed but for once freed of their burdens and peaceful...............fade out picture...... screen credits roll up...."

The track itself is available for purchase at www.shawncrowle.com or on Itunes